How to use the NORMAP portal

NORMAP products are all described by metadata in the NORMAP catalogue. Metadata are centralized in a metadatabase to facilitate fast data discovery. Data are delivered from nodes in a decentralized system and are not centralized but depends on the distributed data repositories.

File formats served

Products served by NERSC and METNO are stored in NetCDF/CF, and possibly in NetCDF4-Classic. Products served by KSAT are currently served in GeoTIFF.

Interfaces to data

NERSC and METNO serves products using THREDDS Data Servers as interfaces to the local data repositories. For each dataset HTTP, OpeNDAP and OGC WMS is activated, potentially OGC WCS can be activated but this is currently not being used internally in the project. KSAT is not supporting OpeNDAP and will not do so. Their data are served through other interfaces which require some more time to be implemented. Visualisation through OGC WMS will however be implemented for these datasets initially as well.

Read our manuals on four steps of the NORMAP portal usage

1. Search for data at NORMAP portal

2. Visualize data at NORMAP portal

3. Download data

4. Process data

5. Operations with basket

Please contact us if you have any questions: Email to the NORMAP portal support team (remove the obvious part from the email address provided...).